Frequently Asked Questions

How do I change my Exchange Password
Last Updated 6 years ago

As with all passwords, for best security practices, you should change your password periodically.

Passwords must meet complexity rules to be accepted. This is a security precaution to prevent less desirable elements being able to easily access your personal information.

Passwords must contain at least 8 characters including characters from at least 3 of the following sets:
English uppercase characters; 
English lowercase characters;
numerals (0-9); 
and non-alphabetic characters (such as !, #, $, %). Please avoid using characters from your Account Name (e.g.,, Full Name, Initials, or Display Name.

To change your password, log into the User Control Panel, and perform the following steps:

  1. Under Change Password, enter Current Password.
  2. Enter New Password.
  3. Enter the same password as Confirm New Password.
  4. Click the Change button.

Note: After changing the password, you will need to change it in your email client software (, e.g., Outlook, Entourage) before you will be able to use it to access your email again. The new password will also be used to log into OWA.

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